Thursday, August 15, 2013

Reasons I want a Spanking

I'm up far later than I had intended... and I really feel like having a spanking would help. Here is my list of reasons why:

1.) There was a creepy stalker murder/drama movie on tonight and I'm having a hard time feeling "okay" since watching a bit of it... (I really don't care for violence).

2.) I'm on my "lady time" and I feel pretty tired, grumpy and unsexy at the moment.

3.) My mind is racing through tasks I want to get to, lists I have to make, and all sort of other non-sleep-like activities. A spanking would really clear the mind.

4.) I feel "locked" in place, stuck in some way, and from my estimation it feels like some kind of emotional wall.

5.) Sir and I don't get enough "adult time" on even a semi-regular basis... I'm feeling lonely.

6.) For me to function effectively, I should have a spanking about every-other day.

7.) A good spanking is like a good bed-time story - makes you feel warm and cared for.

8.) He's just so darn GOOD at it.

9.) I deserve a little prompting for an apology I owe him for getting "cross" at him this evening.

10.) I should be SLEEPING! That is reason enough for a good wallop!

Goodnight, and sweet dreams of warm buns...
...Or should it be "Warm Buns for Breakfast"? Hehehe, either way.



  1. Oh Autumn, I love your list! I could probably add a few more on to that from my perspective. Only a short while ago I had to ask for a spanking because I felt like a fizzy drink that was going to explode any minute!

    As the majority of my spankings happen in the mornings - the 'Warm buns for breakfast' is very true for me. Sets me up for the day!



    1. Hi Ami!

      Thanks for visiting me! I agree that there are many reasons for needing (or deserving) a good spanking. Those were merely the top reasons I had on my mind for that night. I think that if I made a list of EVERYthing, and Sir were to see it, I would not sit for quite a while... but I also don't think I mind that idea too much.

      That's funny you mention Morning Spankings, that is usually the time we find as well... I don't know how things will go heading into fall, I go back to school in a few days and will start working in the mornings too. Maybe should rent out a shed somewhere?? Heh.

      Hope your morning is warm & toasty!



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