Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Blog Adress

I've noticed a drop in readers since I changed my blog title and address. And I know that although my posts are showing on other blog feeds, the link is broken. I hope this helps!



  1. Hi Autumn -
    Just saw your post and think you may need to edit your profile further in order to correct the broken links. As an example, go to my blog and look at the sidebar under members/followers and click on your avatar (By the way, thanks for following my blog ;) When the window opens up, clicking on your name brings you here, to your blog. Clicking on the primary link immediately following your profile, links to your previous now removed blog. This is the link that you need to update. Hope this helps.
    Happy Holidays

  2. Thank you Enzo!

    I've never changed a page-link before this one, so that really helps! I'm going to fix that right now (hopefully)

  3. Wow, that's interesting... on my side of things the new blog is listed, but when I follow the path you suggested I see the old link. How strange. =/

  4. Okay... I THINK might have fix it!

  5. Hi Autumn -

    Close but not quite.
    It looks as if you know now have two links listed.

    The first link, Autumn's Season, is the incorrect (old) one.
    You need to delete that one.

    However, I may suggest leaving it as is if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing as you don't want to accidentally delete this active blog.

  6. Thanks Enzo,

    I am aware that I have two links listed. The other link is not a "broken link", its the first blog I started. As the settings are private, the link doesn't work for readers who aren't on an approved list. I can drop the blog link if I want to, especially as I am not posting in it, but as several of my readers are not aware of my newer blog I thought I'd show it in my profile for a little bit.

    Thank you for letting me know it was broken in the first place. There are still some issues with other blogs who were linking to my old address, as the updated address did not link when I changed it. It shows my most recent post as being 5 months ago... I'm going to contact them individually. If the blog listing is deleted and re-added it should just reset as my profile did.

    Thanks again for your help!



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